As part of our ongoing commitment to improve the care of stroke patients across the state of Kansas, we have each agreed to collect and submit data on our stroke population. We currently have the Survey Monkey link for data submission, please continue to use this link for stroke data collection. Thanks for agreeing to participate, this is one of the key elements of ensuring we are always looking for a better way!
Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke | American Heart Association
We have seen exponential growth in the organization of our state for acute stroke. One way to measure this organization is to look at the number of drip and ships in the past 10 years. This graph shows the 3 hospitals that take 24/7 call and are leaders in stroke care in the state. In 2007 there was one drip and ship amongst these 3 hospitals. In 2017 there was a total of 200. KISS launched in 2012 and the Kansas Heart and Stroke Collaborative in 2015 and both of these initiatives have likely played a key role in this increase as well as other educational efforts throughout the whole state.
Impact of Statewide Organization in Kansas